Through strategic partnerships and initiatives, Midwest Urban Strategies strives to address the unique challenges faced by urban communities.
Midwest Urban Strategies believes that access to high-quality childcare is an economic imperative. Without it, workers cannot work, businesses cannot produce, and communities cannot thrive. Midwest Urban Strategies’ efforts focus on the development, launch, and expansion of programming that builds and maintains a highly qualified, and well-compensated early childhood education (ECE) workforce. By focusing on early childhood education, Midwest Urban Strategies not only strengthens the early childhood education workforce but also supports the broader goal of economic development and stability. The organization’s efforts contribute to a thriving early childhood ecosystem, which is foundational for the long-term well-being of children, families, and communities. A strong, early childhood ecosystem enhances the well-being of young children and their families and benefits the broader economy.
Midwest Urban Strategies offers a unique collaborative network that connects urban workforce development organizations across the Midwest, fostering innovative solutions and sharing best practices to enhance regional economic growth.
Our organization, members gain access to a wealth of resources, including expert insights, funding opportunities, and powerful partnerships, all aimed at driving meaningful change in their communities.