MARCH 2025 Tracey’s Article: The Power of Collaboration in Workforce Development:Uniting Our Industry’s Voice

While youth engagement in workforce development remainsessential, it is equally important to demonstrate how our public workforcesystem has a real impact.

For the DOL Title I and Title III reporting period endingJune 30, 2024*:

  • 2,261,435     individuals completed workforce programs.
  • 68.6%     secured employment after program completion.
  • The     average annual earnings for employed participants reached $42,552.
  • The     total estimated annual earnings for all employed participants amounted to $66,053,737,136.

These outcomes demonstrate the power of workforce programs,but numbers alone are not enough; we must share the stories behind them. "Everysuccess story reflects the vital role of Title I and Title III in shapingstronger communities and workforces. If we don’t share these stories, the truevalue of this work—and the ongoing need for it—may go unnoticed.

The MUS Connector is intended to be more than a newsletter; wewant this to be a collective platform where workforce professionals,stakeholders, and leaders unite to amplify our voices, highlight our impact,and advocate for the vital contributions we make.

Recently, conversations across our industry have revealed aclear and pressing reality: We must do more to ensure that policy makersunderstand the scope and significance of our work. Just like there is strengthin numbers, there is strength in our shared experiences, and now is the time toraise our voices. Policies are shifting, and new challenges may impact on essentialprograms and resources. As the landscape evolves, our ability to showcase ourcontributions becomes increasingly important.

The MUS Connector is an opportunity to share successstories, put a spotlight on effective programs in your region, promote upcomingevents and webinars, celebrate victories and address challenges together. Your contributions,whether through articles, interviews or program highlights will helpdemonstrate how WIOA programs transform communities and make a difference inthe lives of those served.



*Source: FutureWorks Systems BI, U.S.Department of Labor, National Public PIRL Report, Program Year 2023 Q4

WIOA cannot remain the best-kept secret! It’s time to shoutfrom the rooftops that this funding serves our nation’s most vulnerable people.WIOA Title I and Title III programs help individuals overcome major barrierssuch as limited education, transportation challenges, housing instability, andlack of childcare by providing pathways to sustainable employment andcontributing to a stronger workforce.

Collaboration is at the heart of our success. By uniting ourefforts through the MUS Connector, we can illustrate how workforce programsempower individuals, strengthen businesses, and build more resilient economies.Together, with a collective voice, we can ensure our message reaches policy makers,decision makers and the public so our work is seen, heard, and recognized.

Now is the time to participate and advocate on behalf of everyonein this industry. We will continue to encourage you to share your success stories,highlight your expertise and your organization’s impact and contributions. HelpMUS highlight the value of workforce development.

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