Greetings from the Membership Corner

We are thrilled to announcethat new members are joining in and getting their orientation at MUS. Please besure to give them a warm welcome when you meet them! Your friendly greetingsand support will help them feel right at home in our community.

What's Percolating in theMembership Drive?

Our team continues to haveproductive conversations with workforce boards that align with the MUS mission.These discussions are crucial for expanding our network and strengthening ourimpact. If you know of any workforce boards that would be a good fit, pleasesend an introductory email to Kellie Landaker, and we will take it fromthere. Also, if you have a strategic partner who you believe would contributeto MUS as an affiliate member, please share that information with Kellie too.

Let Us Support One Another!

Remember to connect with yourfellow members on social media. Like and share their posts to show your supportand help amplify our collective voice. We are better together, and yourengagement makes a difference!

Upcoming Event: Save theDate!

Planning is ramping up forour annual convening, which will take place from June 3-5, 2025, in the beautiful city ofMilwaukee, Wisconsin. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details. Welook forward to seeing you there and making this event a memorable one!

Thank you for being anintegral part of the MUS community. Together, we are making a positive impact!



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